Sangeh Monkey Forest near the village of Sangeh, in southwestern Bali, has six hectares of forestland with giant nutmeg trees. The main attractions here are the hordes of funny yet wise Balinese monkeys inhabiting both the trees and the temple, Pura Bukit Sari, found in the heart of the forest. The monkeys of the forest are believed to be sacred and indeed will approach anyone paying respects at the temple. But visitors should be aware that these monkeys are attracted to shiny objects, so cameras and jeweler should be left behind or kept well hidden under clothes or in a bag when exploring Sangeh Bali.
According to the staff of information center department at KSDA (Natural Resources Conservation), in year 2003, the Sangeh forest is covered by 6.825 tropical trees consisted of 28 species of tree including 22 species of shrubs/bushes. In the expansion are (3,169 ha) located in west part of this forest, it has been planted by several species of plants including sapodilla, mahogany and guava. Some of them will be expected to be a source of foods for 500 monkeys.
The species of monkeys live in Sangeh are Macaca fascicularis. Those monkeys are living in three different groups (east, middle and west) which will cause of conflict if they invade the other territorial. Overall, the animals live in this forest have been indentified into 22 species of birth (aves), 3 species of reptile, 2 species of amphibian and 5 species of arthropod.
Sangeh is managed by a specialized manager formed by the local custom villagers with 22 staff. In addition to this, they frequently assisted by the staff from Government Forest Service especially from KSDA including DVO Badung. This tourism object is opened everyday from 07.30 am until 06.00 pm.
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