The park also has a public swimming pool with water quite cold, very fit to drive tired.
Sustainability Narmada Park is protected by the government for building complex Narmada Park as a nature reserve that has been registered with the inventory master list of heritage and archaeological center of 1839. Seputaran Narmada Park is in Lombok island is divided into various sessions, was the number one, Jabalkap, Twin lake, gate bracelet or that may be referred Paduraksa, Mukedas, lake Padmawangi, Loji hall, hall light, Patandaan, Sakapat buildings, halls Bancingah , temples and temple Lingsar hump. In the north begins with the main gate. After opening the first gate you will enter Jabalkap page in which there is lake Twins. In the south there is an archway Jabalkap bracelet that connects Jabalkap with Mukedas, On page Mukedas there are many buildings are Sanggah Pura, hall and hall Pameraja Loji. In the south there is an archway that Mukedas paserans page. In that place there and Loji hall, lake Padmawangi, Pawedayan, Pawargan, hall light, and a new building is not clear status. In the eastern part of the page Pasarean no hump or temple Narmada temple. south yard Pasarean there Patandaan page.
The King built this park is intended to facilitate the Pakelem ceremony is usually performed at Segara Anak and chaired by the King. Pakelem or Meras ceremony held each year Danoe once at Segara Anak. Peak of this event is melarung objects made of gold, water animals such as shrimp, fish or turtles that have been given a sentence or magical characters. Another goal is not to ask God for an abundance of happiness, prosperity and prayers for the king who was ruling. Due to the age and condition of the king was not possible to do the ceremony at Segara Anak, the park was created, but this place just for the ceremony while the float-food only be viewed in the Segara Anak done by his assistants.
Other buildings in the Narmada Park complex in the form of landscaping has been difficult to trace its authenticity. According to the map of 1899 parks in the Narmada Park complex are: Angel Park, Garden Anyar Paresak Parks, and Parks hump. Newer parks and park hump is now a township resident. While the park has now become Paresak orchards with the main crop is the mangosteen fruit.
The name is taken from Narmadanadi Narmada, children are very sacred Ganges River in India. For Hindus, the water is a sacred element that gives life to all beings in this world. Water emanating from the soil (spring) associated with Tirta Amrita (water of immortality) emanating from Kensi Sweta Kamandalu. Formerly the possibility of a name used to name the name of Narmada springs that form several ponds and a river at the site. Over time used to mean the whole complex of temples and Narmada Park.
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